Monday 16 July 2012

How to create Acting to the onmouseover event using javascript

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function writeText(txt)

<img src ="planets.gif" width ="145" height ="126" alt="Planets" usemap="#planetmap" />

<map name="planetmap">
<area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126"
onmouseover="writeText('The Sun and the gas giant planets like Jupiter are by far the largest objects in our Solar System.')"
href ="sun.htm" target ="_blank" alt="Sun" />

<area shape ="circle" coords ="90,58,3"
onmouseover="writeText('The planet Mercury is very difficult to study from the Earth because it is always so close to the Sun.')"
href ="mercur.htm" target ="_blank" alt="Mercury" />

<area shape ="circle" coords ="124,58,8"
onmouseover="writeText('Until the 1960s, Venus was often considered a twin sister to the Earth because Venus is the nearest planet to us, and because the two planets seem to share many characteristics.')"
href ="venus.htm" target ="_blank" alt="Venus" />

<p id="desc">Mouse over the sun and the planets and see the different descriptions.</p>


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